Your family heritage researched and published
Megan Brice

When I first met Ian and asked about his success he explained that his philosophy in life was to live by two guiding principles – kindness and gratitude. I have never met anyone who models these principles with such clarity and consistency as Ian.
Ian has the gift to see more in you than you see in yourself. He builds people up and helps them believe that anything is possible. He is the ultimate teacher, coach, mentor and leader. I have now met a wide range of people that Ian has helped both personally and professionally, through sheer kindness, in a way that has changed their lives. He leaves a lasting, positive impact on people wherever he goes.
Ian is also the most intelligent person I have met in my lifetime. He is able to succeed with the most complex and creative endeavours. He has a unique visionary capacity and can see the end result of all projects. He has the unusual capability to be the visionary, teacher and implementor. He gets things done at a speed most of us cannot comprehend. When he says he will do something for you, it gets done, at lightning speed.
I feel extremely fortunate to have been introduced to Ian. He is a person who can change your life, by seeing opportunity everywhere – for you personally and for your business. Anyone who works with Ian is indeed a very lucky person.

Carole Grant
81 Rifle Range Road
Ph 07 3767912
I first met Ian Handricks three years ago at a Photographic Conference where he was the key note speaker. I was immediately impressed by his ability to build a rapport with his audience and share his knowledge of photo restoration and genealogy. He inspired his audience with many interesting stories one of which was how he turned a photo restoration hobby into an international success.
The name of this great mentor stayed with me until 2012 when I phoned to ask if he could assist with collating my family history. It was within a week that he produced pages of interesting information about my family. His ability to work on little sleep meant that he was able to compile and produce a very detailed 1200 page document within a year. It came as a set of three books, beautifully bound with colourful images that added life to the final production.
I have been continually amazed and enthused with the information that Ian’s unending research has produced. He is a master at bridge and an avid reader. He is a genius.
It is with great interest that I listen to the stories of his life where his ingenuity has taken him to great heights. This includes gaining Honorary Membership of the Cornea and Contact Lens Society, producing templates for changing the face of dentistry. There are many other achievements that are too numerous to list.
Ian is a great teacher and is willing to share his vast knowledge. I was fortunate to learn about many “Apps” from Ian which gave me an understanding of how an iPad works. He likes to see people enjoy life and he enjoys teaching them.
Ian goes out of his way to praise people where service and manners are appreciated. He is a man of integrity that I was happy to have in my home while we were away. It was immaculate on our return from holiday.
I would recommend Ian in any position. This man is simply amazing!

Ken Holmes
Financial Adviser
Mission Bay
(027) 702 2205
If are you looking for someone to die for you then this is the man. He will go to huge lengths to make sure you get what you want.
I have just under 20 years as Ian's business partner and associate. In that whole 20 years I never saw him 'lose the plot'. I have seem him remain calm and focused at different times when we were under huge financial pressure getting our photo restoration start-up working.
It was Ian where the design and speed buck stopped. It was Ian who developed the Photoshop actions which enabled us to restore photos fast and with high quality. It was Ian who consistently produced the good ideas for the operation of our 24 work station operation.
If one was to work with Ian today they would engage with a polite and funny man who has a good knowledge of who he is. Is always polite, is a good storyteller, software designer, speaker and trainer. His knowledge of computers and in particular iPads is second to none . His mathematical ability is well known in the contact lens industry and the CAM algorithms he developed to lathe contacts lens are still used throughout the world.
Ian has empathy with most people from most walks of life and has spoken at many different locations to many different groups. It is with these strengths and skills in mind that I would highly recommend Ian to any future business associate or customer.

Dr. Sandra D. Smith PhD, MA(Hons), MA, BA(Hons)
Department of Marketing
The University of Auckland Business School
021 047 5714
I have known Ian Handricks for at least six years. Over this time Ian has freely given his time to many of my students as a mentor and also guest lecturer on a number of undergraduate courses.
Ian has such a wealth of business (and general life skills) knowledge that he has made and continues to make an important contribution to the lives of these students. Ian has also, on occasion, offered his extensive editing services to post-graduates who are about to submit their MCom or PhD theses. In addition, Ian and I have worked on various business projects and ideas and I have always found his approach to be intelligent, insightful, creative and certainly cutting edge.
I look forward to continuing to work with Ian as a friend of the University of Auckland Business School, over the coming years.
Andrew J Burger

Barrister & Solicitor
Ararat, Victoria, Australia
+61 457 514 324
This testimonial serves to introduce you to Ian Handricks whom I have known since 2007. Ian is one of life’s true and unique mavericks. He is a man of exceptional intellect who seldom follows conventional thinking or strategies. Ian has a style that differs from the ordinary – an inimitable approach that introduces a new dimension of thinking, with accurate big picture focus that visualises issues in their simplest form.
Throughout my association with Ian I have found him to be a reserved person with a rapacious appetite for dealing with issues of complexity – whatever their genesis. Invariably, when general discussion on complex challenges seems exhausted and all ideas spent, Ian will contribute fresh piercing reflections and thought provoking posers. He is the person to have on hand for problem-solving issues or when seeking unprecedented solutions to seemingly irresoluble challenges.
In my erstwhile capacity as a Director of the Auckland District Law Society Inc. in 2008/9, I commissioned Ian to conceptualise a working model through which lawyers could engage in the sale of real estate, based on newly promulgated legislation. After a brief meeting, Ian returned two days later with a meticulously detailed framework and presentation. This demonstrated Ian’s extraordinary conceptual skills and his seemingly effortless ability to comprehend the mechanisms of the legal profession.
I am aware of Ian’s ground-breaking contributions in the field of optometry, and also that he is a noted genealogist of wide repute who has also distinguished himself as a public speaker. Ian’s hobbies include photography, photoshopping, reading, general knowledge, bridge and poetry. He excels in every such capacity.
Ian is a pleasant person, well liked by my friends and associates, with a delightful sense of humour. He is also an innately generous person who shares his abundant talents and advice openly and freely, but on the flip side he is infuriatingly modest. This is perhaps why he has never aspired to or become the widely renowned or affluent person that his exceptional talents would evidently demand. Mainstream worldly goals matter little to Ian.
Helen Steemson

Copywriter, Course Facilitator, Company Director
Words for Breakfast Ltd.
Ph 027 444 5833
In business, as in life, you’re only as good as the people around you. I count myself lucky that my path happened across Ian Handricks.
Six years ago, as a fledging business owner, I was inspired and motivated by his positivity, his motivation and above all, his experience. Here, I thought, was a man who could teach me a thing or two about business.
My first reaction proved correct. We’ve kept in touch over the years, and I’ve watched Ian lead successive business ventures to fruition with his big picture thinking, and the tightknit group of contacts he’s maintained. The longevity and value of these relationships is proof enough of Ian’s track record and above all, his deep sense of integrity in his business dealings.
He has been undyingly supportive of Words for Breakfast, in business past my way, in the trust he puts in us and in the value he puts on our service. His word alone has been instrumental in winning significant business for my company – testament to the respect he can garner, and the authority he holds.
I thank Ian for all the time and support he’s given me, and look forward to many more brilliant years to come!

Tony Hickmore
Swimming Coach
Improved Swim Coaching
Ph: 029 200-0883
It is my great pleasure to provide this testimonial for Ian as I believe him to be one of the most interesting people I have ever had the good fortune to know.
I met Ian back in the early 1990’s when a company I represented supplied technical componentry to his company called Hirstlens. It was during this period that I got to know Ian and discovered a number of his interesting projects that at the time were well ahead of the computer technology we know today.
As our relationship grew I came to work with Ian, at Hirstlens, as he wanted to set up a computer supply company to provide systems and additional services to his customer base of optometrists and ophthalmologists. This addition to the Hirstlens family became known as Beyond Imagination and for which Ian was interviewed on TV and in magazines. Ian saw with Beyond Imagination the opportunity to develop a number of solutions in digital music, photographic restoration and then digitally enhancing x-rays, particularly of mammograms, that allowed for far greater assessments of potential cancer growths.
Even today, Ian’s ability to see solutions that others fail to see is one aspect of his skill sets that constantly make me look at any issue in a different light.
Ian’s mind seemingly works at 10 times the pace of anyone else I know and no problem would be insurmountable, in fact Ian would rise to the challenge.
I could write a book around the solutions that were developed within Beyond Imagination and believe that Ian’s foresight would be an asset in any organisation.
Throughout the last couple of decades Ian and have kept in touch and I hope that we maintain our friendship for many years to come.
If anyone reading this would like to ask questions about Ian or would like further insights of his skills, then I would be more than happy to elaborate.
John Shennan

Former director and
co-owner of Hirstlens
021 077 5650
I have known Ian Handricks for some forty years. I first met Ian when we were under the employment of Hirst Contact Lens NZ Ltd. At that time the company was entering an intensive growth phase, experiencing a similar growth path to that of the fledgling computer industry. Among Ian’s many talents is his superior knowledge of applied mathematics. This in itself propelled him within the company when he converted much of the company’s optical formulae from manual processing to more efficient methods as provided by the then newly developed programmable calculators. This was pre Apple Mac and PC
Ian went on to continue to develop contact lens manufacturing techniques for the company never short of suggesting changes in traditional manufacturing methods to gain greater efficiencies. Because of his ability to think laterally and question the norm he was offered a position within the company’s new research and development facility in the United Kingdom assisting in the development of state-of-the-art contact lens machining systems, some of which were patented. With his R& D duties complete, Ian took up a role in sales and marketing in the company. This virtually took him world wide where he gained an excellent reputation based on his first hand knowledge of the contact lens industry.
As Ian’s family grew he considered the time was right to return to New Zealand re joining me to take up an opportunity to enter into a management buyout of Hirstlens. We restructured the company and with Ian’s sales and marketing skills, built a strong foundation to develop the company, massively expanding its product range.
At this time Optometry was new to computerisation. A facility was formed to address this. The profession was quick to embrace the advantages of building their own data bases guided by Ian, which in turn gave us the opportunity to form a separate division within the company leading to further development integrating computers into the photographic industry. Ian was the sole driving force in this initiative which was of great benefit to the company.
Much is owed to Ian’s foresight and enthusiasm to succeed, instilling in others the desire to reach their potential. His ability to face challenges in a positive manner has been of great benefit to many of his colleagues.
I consider myself privileged to have worked with Ian, a man of excellent character, blessed with high intelligence and never to avoid an opportunity to help others.

Brett Howes B.Sc, Dip. Sci., B.Optom
Mercury Bay Optometrist
07 866 5919
I’ve had the privilege of knowing Ian Handricks for more than 30 years. I first met him when I was an Optometry undergraduate and he was working at Hirst Contact Lens Ltd.
He was a keen teacher of contact lens manufacturing and well respected by all of the students. Later, he taught us all how to use computers and in my case, that was a big challenge!
Ian was singularly responsible for installing computers into every optometry practice in the country and dragging Optometrists into the modern world. He did it with endless, honest and selfless commitment and a total dedication to the job. These are the traits of Ian Handricks.
In every endeavour since, and there have been many, Ian has demonstrated time and time again these attitudes to the job. He is an extraordinary organiser and has the ability to clearly see the objective and map out the steps on the path to that objective.
He can introduce thoughts and ideas which are totally unique and add new colour and direction to the goal.
Any business that involves Ian and channels his abilities will succeed. He has helped me in many ways and I’m proud to call him a friend.
Peter Patten

Immediate Past Chairman
SeniorNet North Shore
I first met Ian Handricks quite some years ago when he was partly involved in his Hirstlens business, but also launching his online photo restoration business. That was highly impressive.
Later, after I joined SeniorNet North Shore, Ian appeared as a guest speaker & was a highly experienced teacher & demonstrator of such diverse topics as Photoshop, ProShow Gold/Producer (an audio visual program), genealogy & iPads.
Ian has a very high IQ, is very generous with his time & knowledge & is an inspiring teacher who makes friends easily.
I have been very fortunate to know Ian, as well as having gained much from his lessons & talks.

Matthew Cutler-Welsh
Building Science Specialist
Alexander & Co. Ltd
021 225 6783
Occasionally in life, you meet a remarkable person. Sometimes you’re lucky enough to spend a bit of time with them. But you really know you’re fortunate when a remarkable person takes a genuine interest in who you are and where you want to go.
Ian Handricks is just such a person.
Ian’s reputation as a leader and innovator preceded him when I first had the pleasure of being introduced, soon after I joined Alexander & Co. Ltd. in September 2014. Only six months later, Ian has had an impact on me and I’m truly grateful for having the opportunity to meet, to talk, and to be inspired by him.
As well as being the most available and encouraging board member I’ve met, Ian has positively impacted people through his formal mentoring role with staff at Alexander & Co. Ltd.
Although I’ve only known Ian for a relatively short period of time, I know that he’s a remarkable person. He has a unique blend of an incredible mind for strategy, invention and business, while also being compassionate, empathetic and emotionally intelligent towards others.
Ian displays all the values and skills that I seek in a great mentor. He has challenged me and encouraged me and I feel I’m better already for having had the privilege to work in an organisation with someone like Ian around. I look forward to more great things to come.
Tony Gill

Gill and Co Ltd
(021) 718 093
I have known Ian Handricks since 1997 when he became one of my key person clients at a time when he was the CEO of Beyond Imagination Global Ltd. He had just signed with Creekside LLC in North America for the distribution rights of his photo restoration technology and he was recognised for this by becoming a finalist in the Entrepreneur of the Year Awards. It was at this time that Helen Clark, the then NZ Prime Minister, made a visit to his offices in recognition of his accomplishments.
Since then, Ian has devoted a small part of his time to helping me in the preparation of insurance/ACC reports, advising me on business matters and helping with the presentation of our business via website and other media. I value him as a mentor for my business.
I have always considered Ian as having both right and left brain skills – equally competent in analytical and creative pursuits. He has excellent skills in written and oral communication as well as an in-depth understanding of technology.
Regardless of where I am in the country, Ian goes out of his way to ensure that my business keeps running smoothly. Ian has also helped my teenaged son by tutoring him in mathematics (Ian’s skills in mathematics are legendary). He has been a good family friend and one whom I can always trust.

Caleb Parker
Building Science Specialist
Alexander & Co. Ltd.
027 371 4174
I have known Ian Handricks since 2013 when I first started working at Alexander & Co. Ltd. My initial experience with Ian was a warm welcome to the team and an immediate offer to provide assistance wherever and whenever necessary. As a Director of Alexander & Co., his ability to engage with every new employee in a respectful, professional and comforting manner never ceases to amaze me.
Ian’s broad range of skills makes him an asset to any team in which he is involved. He is a highly intellectual, reliable and well-connected businessman with a truly unique method of thinking and strategizing. Ian’s ability to think outside the box and to see the bigger picture makes him an asset to have on your side.
Throughout my time working with Ian, I have found him to be an exceptional mentor for both personal and business related development. When I was tasked with a job to expand a division of our company, Ian was first to propose a business strategy and guide me in the right direction (and I did not have to ask).
I consider it an honour and privilege to work with Ian and would be happy to provide my support to anyone looking to work with him.
Andrew Willis

Azzmax Ltd
Mob: 021 668 068
I have known Ian for about 15 years and during that time have got to know him both professionally and personally.
I first met Ian when he was developing the PhotoPages™ photo restoration technology and eventually became an investor in this company when it was in the process of becoming a successful and growing business internationally. This company (now named PhotoWonder™) is the most successful photo restoration business in the world employing hundreds of personnel using software that Ian had initially developed in New Zealand.
Ian has continued to develop new and innovative technologies which he has developed into businesses such as Toothpix, a dental imaging software solution.
Ian has many excellent skills including attention to detail, a creative and innovative mind, excellent networking skill, exceptional work ethic and business development skills.
Ian has brokered significant investment funding and been the main provider of the intellectual property behind these successful ideas.

Doug Dickson
Photo Illusions Ltd.
021 420 553
My first contact with Ian Handricks was as a supplier to his imaging business in the early 90s while working as the Professional Products Manager for Kodak. Ian’s development of the franchise image restoration business linked well within the Kodak product portfolio and a very successful business relationship developed between the two of us.
After leaving Kodak in 2000 I joined Ian’s business as a shareholder and Business Development Manager and it was during this time that with Ian’s vision and drive we were able to take the business to the international market.
Over the years I have worked with Ian, his desire to develop and implement new products and processes has been a pleasure to be associated with.
Ian is always dedicated and committed to whatever project he is assigned and will always give his very best effort.
Ian’s skill set and commitment will be of major benefit to any future business associate or customer.
Kevin Crowe

Freelance music professional
Sunnynook, Auckland
021 079 8087
I've been learning from Ian for about 10 years now, He's the most helpful guy to learn from. For me it's been mostly Photoshop and more recently iPad, but Ian is a huge knowledge source on a broad range of subjects and with years of business experience he's often given me valuable advice regarding my business and family life. His ability to up-skill me to new technology has saved me so much time and whenever I'm stuck on something he's just a phone call away.
We have worked on a number of projects together including website construction, photo slideshow presentations, song arranging and album production
As well as possessing a huge IQ, Ian is friendly, courteous, polite, good humoured, and most of all passionate about imparting knowledge in a dynamic and unforgettable experience of learning. Ian has become a great friend and I highly recommend him and his phenomenal skills to anyone!

Peter Grantham
Associate Building Surveyor
Alexander & Co. Ltd.
027 371 4174
I have been engaged at Alexander and Co Ltd for almost five years. During this time Ian has been a member of the Board of Directors to provide strategic guidance. In the past two years as my seniority has increased in the company, my interaction with Ian and the board has increased to a point where I can make judgment on the value Ian can provide.
Ian has been engaged as a director and has undertaken supplementary services that were urgently required in terms putting forward and implementing strategic ideas to help diversify and grow the business. Ian has provided in house training and also provided coaching and mentoring to ensure that the staff were fully engaged and listened to.
Ian has an ability to see the potential in people and has provided encouragement to ensure that employee’s are listened to, coached and most importantly feel valued. Ian has always maintained a positive outlook on the company and has proactively promoted the services Alexander and Co Ltd could provide, even during his private time. Ian has a wealth of experience in business leadership that are transferable.
I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Ian and would therefore not hesitate to recommend Ian in a similar position.
Kerry Saberton

L & D Consultant
Bright*Star Training
022 127 2392
If you have yet to meet Ian Handricks, I would recommend that you put this at the top of your ‘to do’ list. There are some people that we meet in life who have a long term affect on us – Ian is one such character. He cares deeply about people and will do anything in his power to help you achieve your potential.
Ian has a lifetime of experience and wisdom to share – time flies in his company and if there is anyone truly worth listening to its Ian.
I have had the pleasure of working with Ian on the identification and delivery of some very specific training needs – I found this experience insightful to the degree that I am now keen to engage Ian to work with us as a speaker and facilitator.

Barbara Anderson
SeniorNet North Shore
09 479 6242
I have known Ian Handricks for over 10 years and enjoy his company as a personal friend. As a speaker he has the ability to pass on his knowledge in an interesting and vibrant way including humour at times to keep the interest level high. He handles questions with ease and is always well prepared for his talks.
He is able to field both technical and practical questions and sets up his equipment in plenty of time for lectures. He is extremely knowledgeable and is a divergent thinker, which is a bonus.
Ian has helped me to produce Family History Books and his advice here has been invaluable. He expects high standards of anything he produces and honours his word at all times.
Ian is an Honorary Life Member of our SeniorNet Computing Club and is a favourite speaker of our members. He gives his time freely and is able to cover a wide range of computer based topics. He specialises in iPad and photo restoration but is also capable of many other facets of computing and delights in showing new apps and equipment he has found useful. I have no hesitation in recommending him to others.

Kathy Kell
Managing Director
Legal Accounting Bureau Ltd
Ph: 09 444 1044
I have known Ian Handricks for close to five years. I was first introduced to Ian by a business colleague when I was starting up my own business – Legal Accounting Bureau Limited.
Ian’s guidance and encouragement over the last five years have been invaluable to me in getting my business to where it is today. Ian acted as my business mentor offering so much valuable advice regarding the set up of the business and his assistance in marketing strategies and techniques has been fantastic. He was always encouraging and persistent to ensure that I understood what was needed and also put it into practice.
Ian was able to also give me many very valuable referrals to other people who could assist me in different areas such as setting up a website and getting brochures printed.
Ian has always kept in touch to see how things are going and is always able to offer new ideas to consider. If he ever comes across someone or something he thinks may work for me, he always passes it on.
We have become good friends over the last five years. I would not hesitate to recommend Ian to anyone who is in business. He has huge energy and enthusiasm and is so willing to help anyone who shows interest.

Sharyn Morcom
Outspace Outdoor Solutions Ltd
Cnr Cook Drive & Lee Street
Whitianga, Coromandel Peninsula
New Zealand
Ph 07 869 5590
I wish we had spoken to Ian before we started our business. Not only could we have avoided a lot of mistakes, but to have enjoyed the sense of enthusiasm, kindly support and brilliance that Ian expels would have given wings to our feet in the early days.
This man has so many strings to his bow that he may as well be the whole orchestra. His wealth of creative ideas is endless and we, as mere mortals, struggle to implement even a few of them. But he has certainly inspired us enough to give it our very best shot. And he understands that we are mere mortals with the most gracious and generous manner.
Ian simply loves to see people succeed and to meet with him and listen to his genius makes it impossible for a little genius not to rub off on you.
Thank you Ian for being so amazing – thank you Ian’s mum for bringing Ian into the world… a very special human being.

Chantele Siedle
I have met many people but meeting Ian was life changing. Not everyone has the opportunity to run into someone who is so invested in changing people's lives. It wasn't long into my encounter with Ian that everything changed for me. I was unhappy in my job, I felt like there was little hope. Ian spent some time with me getting to know who I was and what I was passionate about. Without hesitation Ian reached out to his network and within a week I had started a life that has been nothing but a pleasure. I met many people who know Ian. It's amazing to hear all the exceptional things Ian has done for himself, but mostly, others, Ian is a kind humble soul that has no problem going the extra mile for people who cross his path. It is an absolute pleasure knowing Ian and everyone who meets him, is sure to feel the same way!

Rochelle Narayan
Owner & CEO
Celebrate With Me Ltd
“Life is a journey with problems to solve, lessons to learn, but most of all, experiences to enjoy.” Anonymous
Hi my name is Rochelle. I am the owner of Celebrate with Me Ltd. Starting a small business of selling hamper packs is something I have always wanted to do as I just love buying gifts putting it all together in a hamper, decorating cards for birthdays, wedding, hen’s night, and of course not forgetting everyone’s favourite, Christmas! Thinking about starting all this was easy but putting my plan together was challenging. Trying to find companies who could make my e-commerce website was very hard as the cost was very high and starting a new business, I wanted to keep everything within my budget.
While planning, I met a few amazing people who were guiding me but somehow I got super super lucky when a family friend of mine introduced me to Ian Handricks. Firstly, Ian was easy to approach. Ian was interested in my business as he wanted to know what exactly I was doing so that my website can be made accordingly. While I was getting my side of things sorted, Ian was basically doing my website and he would send me updates and by working together with each other Ian made my website Ian and I met each other and Ian taught me how to used my own website, he spent hours and hours of his time to ensure that I understood everything I needed to know in order to start an e-commerce business.
When Ian official completed his part of making the website, I thought that’s it but actually I was wrong. Ian basically became my mentor. I had few more difficulties such a setting my payment option and problems with my courier company but Ian helped me a lot by guiding me which steps I have to follow in-order to get all this sorted. It was a long 5-month journey but it’s all finally sorted and I am ready to start and till today Ian is still helping me and guiding me. Ian has been my biggest supporter who kept encouraging me that “Rochelle you can do it. Rochelle see the future as it is very bright” throughout this last 5 months I met many people but it’s a blessing from God when I met someone as amazing as Ian. Ian thank you very very much for everything you have done for me because most of these wouldn’t be possible if I did not have you to guide me and told me to stay positive.

Stefan (Stef) Billing
021 67 11 67
Some years ago, my dear wife Joyce joined North Shore Seniornet to pursue her interest in Photography. She enjoyed the company & the fellowship of members & soon learnt many new tricks about shooting & processing excellent photographs. Her enthusiasm titivated my interest in joining North Shore Seniornet.
I noted that there was a very active ANCESTRY group & decided to jump onboard that group, having had my interest in Family Trees piqued, following an overseas trip which included a visit to the Polygon Woods in Belgium, where my Paternal Grandfather had lost his life in WW1.
Patrick White, or Patsy as he was known to his family, was of Irish decent, born in the north of England, before his family moved south to London where there was plenty of work on the Docks. It was there that he met my grandmother, Catherine Elizabeth Suckling. Being of Irish decent, Patsy referred to my grandmother as Kathleen. Patsy’s family were Catholics & Catherines family were C of E, which in those days, presented a problem for them wanting to marry. Consequently, they emigrated to New Zealand independently, met up in Wellington, married & produced three lovely girls – Rosina, Annie (My Mum), & Kay. With the help & encouragement of others, I managed to discover & document many things about my wider family, using official records & digital programs to develop my first Family Tree.
At this point I got to know Ian on a personal basis. He was always present at the club in the background, assisting in whatever manner he could, sharing his wisdom & passing on his knowledge of researching, building & recording Family Trees, along with a whole lot of computer related Tricks & Treats.
Ian had already produced for some members, several Family Tree Books containing up to 1,000 printed pages per volume, presented on high quality paper, hard bound in personalised covers.
Once these unique, extraordinary creations came to my notice, I knew that I just had to have a couple of sets to hand on to my daughters. As it turned out it took three volumes to capture the history of both Joyce & my family, wherein some data reached back to the year 660.
I must state at this point, that it gives me great pride & pleasure, to be able to hold in my hands, what is effectively, the lives, of a multitude of our joint family relations. Not only that, but I am happy in the knowledge that Joyce & I are passing onto our daughters, a record of where they have come from & who it was that went before them. That knowledge of a journey which took place in real time & space is the GOLD in this exercise!
I could not begin to cover the immense scope of data that Ian has uncovered & the way he has presented such detailed information, which includes photos of places, people, family banners, historical pictures & relationships of note.
The best way to get a handle on it, is to have a chat with Ian & see for yourself, the standard, integrity & creativity of his work.

David Ronkowski
021 119 3021
I greatly value the work you put into creating the two genealogist volumes you created for me. It provides me and my family with a reference for all the interconnecting branches of the family tree. Wonderful to see a diagrammatic form of the Polish and Welsh side of my family that created some energy to get information from them, knowing it would be captured for prosperity.
One volume was for my wife's side of the family and the other was for mine, so our children have a complete record to refer to and pass on (and maintain) for their families going forward.
It was quite an exercise to pull together lots of information and photographs, personal notes I found that my father had written about when he met my mother, references you found connected to the Polish armoured division my father was assigned to during the war. All of these pieces of paper and photographs would all have been lost or distributed across different places overtime, so it is extremely valuable to have them all in one place and easily referenceable.
They are well presented and very professional. I also appreciated you overcoming many obstacles to achieve an extremely tight timeline to have these printed and ready for when I visited my mother in the UK for her 90th birthday (this was my special gift to her).
My father died in 2001 so to have these personal notes, and wonderful photographs to share with my family was a truly enjoyable and emotional experience.

Pauline Rundle
022 340 7311
The Story Teller, A testimonial
Everyone has a story; your life and experiences are unique. They are special and worth remembering. You have done things in your life that are of great interest to others even if you didn’t think so before. You are you and your story is important. Our world and our lives are changing more and more rapidly. Children’s lives today bear little resemblance to your childhood. What did you do before TV and the internet? Did you walk to school or ride a horse? In the past most families spent time on a relative’s family farm, did you? How were holidays spent? Did you run free? Or climb a tree in the backyard? How was the shopping done? What were your favourite games? Who were your best friends? How is it all so different from our busy lives today? What about those old photos, what memories do they bring back? What about your teenage years - where did you hang out, who with? Do you have family pictures? Do you want your old, damaged photos brought to life, and coloured, if you want? Getting your story down can be a hugely rewarding experience as well as a lot of fun. Many people have said it’s the best thing they’ve done as it renewed connections with friends and maybe relatives and even teachers they had lost track of over the years.
But maybe you hadn’t thought to write it down? Maybe you don’t know where to start? Let me assure you, help is at hand. Ian Handricks, Webmaster at North Shore SeniorNet wants to help you get your story done. You think you don’t have time? Ian is prepared to sit with you, work with you and get all those fragmented memories, bits of paper, old letters and notes – and photos – into a cohesive whole that you will be thrilled with. Ian is an amazing researcher. In a few minutes, with the sketchiest of information from you, Ian can give you details of your forebears and their lives that you would never have discovered on your own. He can probably find photos of your old school, where you were born, where you grew up. So many possibilities. You owe it to yourself to give it a try now before details become harder and harder to find.
I speak from experience. Ian collated an enormous amount of material for my husband’s family history, and his autobiography, and prepared them for publication online. He added many photos to the narrative which already included details of the family surviving the Great Depression. The social lives of the seven children and their parents make fascinating reading and his story, like yours will be, is a very important part of the history of our country or the country you came from. Having your story in print is an option you can choose or not. I cannot recommend Ian’s helpfulness and his work too highly.
Ian is helpful, accessible, available, extraordinarily capable in research, photo restoration and has a host of other skills. He has already helped many hundreds of families tell their own stories and many of those have proudly printed their finished work. The proof of the pudding is in the eating and I believe you should take up this offer, look at some of the books that have been printed and grab a chat with Ian as soon as you can. He works out of the SeniorNet room by the Sushi place In Shea Terrace, Takapuna.

Carol Wainhouse
09 415 2516
It has been my absolute pleasure to have known Ian Handricks for many years. I first met Ian in his capacity as a Tutor at SeniorNet North Shore when he was teaching a genealogy session, a subject I was, and continue to be, particularly interested in.
Ian Handricks is a very knowledgeable, competent and generous man and I, like many others, have benefited hugely from his sessions, so much so that he inspired me, after seeing the many wonderful family books he has produced and the research guidance he has given, to have my years of research made into a family book. There was no point, in my opinion, of having all this family research, gained over many years, stored in a computer where nobody could easily access it.
When I initially discussed the idea of producing a family book with Ian and finally decided to go ahead, he initially asked me for my old family photos which he painstakingly sorted into files so they would be easily accessible and then had the enormous task of “working his magic” on these old photos which he completed with absolute brilliance.
Ian then went about working with me and advising where necessary as to the layout of the book, stories to be included, photos to be added and researching further into my family history. After all this work, we sat down together and Ian kindly went through the process of designing and producing my family book, which I, and my family, were more than delighted with.
My family book, including both my husband’s family history and my own, is over 700 pages long and is something that I feel very proud of. I most certainly would never have even attempted to have a book produced without Ian’s expert guidance and knowledge. All through this process, Ian was very approachable, generous with his time and advice and professional. I have recommended Ian to many people, not only to assist in writing their family stories but also on any aspects of researching, photo editing etc.

Sharon Deaker
I have known Ian Handricks for over 15 years. In that time, I have come to know him as not only as an exceptional genealogist and historian, but also a top bridge player and instructor.
Ian has a remarkable talent for bridging the gap between the past & present, and he has the innate ability to bring history to life through his work.
The family history book he did for my family takes pride & place in our library. One of the things that I appreciate most about Ian’s writing is his meticulous attention to detail.
He has an incredible ability to research and gather information and he presents it in a clear concise manner that is easy to follow. He approaches everything he writes with a spirit of intellectual curiosity and humility.
He greets each family history challenge with a level of professionalism and attention to detail that is truly inspiring. His hardback books on genealogy are a testament to his skill, as he seamlessly weaves together the historical photos and text to create a vivid and engaging family masterpiece.
As a bridge player and instructor Ian is without peer. His passion for the game is contagious, and he has a talent for breaking down complex concepts into simple easy to understand terms whether you are a seasoned player or a complete novice, Ian has a way of making the game accessible to all.
Ian is honest, forthright, direct & strong.
In short I cannot recommend Ian Handricks highly enough. He is a true master of his craft and a truly exceptional person.